Records Management

Records Management
EDRMS Software
An Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) is pivotal in keeping your organisation’s digital records in order. Records are created, amended and discarded every day, and keeping track of it all could be a difficult task. But with our products, EDRMS becomes a cinch.
- Classifications & File Plans
- Apply Retention
- Secure and Encrypt Records
- Data Life Cycle Management
- Workflow
- Document Management
- Microsoft 365 Integration
- Physical File Management

Records Management
Digitisation Bureau
Document Capture Solutions allows organisations of all sizes to take information, electronic or paper, and turn their digital content into data that can be readily accessed, stored, shared, and worked on. Our digitization bureau can efficiently take care of all your documents for you.
- Scanning
- Indexing
- Data Extraction

Records Management
Our team of skilled consultants can guide and assist with all aspects of content and records management through the complete information life-cycle. The jurisdiction of records are considered to ensure regulatory compliance.
- Records Management Strategies
- File Plans and Classification
- Data Retention Plans

Data Management

Data Management
File Analysis
Think of Micro Focus File Analysis Suite as a “Swiss Army Knife” for unstructured data, able to help the customer meet challenging and changing business requirements for managing their unstructured data.
File Analysis Suite is a SaaS solution built on a blend of commodity components and Micro Focus technology. It is built on a micro-services platform and is designed to be highly scalable and highly available, so as data volumes continue to grow we can provide a solution that can keep pace with ever-growing volumes of data.
- Data Clean-up
- Dark Data Discovery
- Data Classification
- Risk Analysis
- Data Security
- Data Retention & Life Cycle Management
- Data Subject Access Requests
- Right to be Forgotten
- PoPIA Compliance

Data Management
Data Analytics
Empowering organizations to leverage rich media in gaining comprehensive intelligence by providing easy to use media analysis, management, and visualization.
Unified text analytics, speech analytics and video analytics provides actionable insights by unlocking patterns, trends, and relationships across siloed unstructured data repositories by using the latest innovations in machine learning and Deep Neural Networks.
- Law Enforcement Media Analytics
- Safe City
- Broadcast Monitoring
- Social Media Sites
- Voice Call Analytics
- Enterprise Data Lakes

Data Management
Structured Data Management
Meniko helps organisations to facilitate efficiencies and compliance from a technical point of view by Discovering and Remediating sensitive data across all your structured environments. The tooling deployed has the capability to interrogate and act upon any type of database with a JDBC connector e.g. (MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, Mongo DB and Informix).
- Performance Optimisation
- Application Retirement
- Test Data Extraction
- Sensitive Data Discovery – PoPIA & GDPR
- Defensible Deletion
- De-identify
- Encrypt
- Anonymis
- Pseudonymise

Identity and Access Management

Identity & Access
Identity Governance
Our solution manages and governs digital identities and enforces appropriate access across the enterprise. With a unified governance framework, organizations can determine who has access to which resources and whether that access is appropriate. Scaling to billions of identities, IGA automates, and streamlines processes related to access requests, access certification, identity life-cycle management, provisioning, and compliance reporting. IGA detects changes as they happen in connected systems and adjusts security controls for continuous compliance, thus reducing risk and increasing efficiency for the organization.
- Collect Entitlements
- Manage Approvals
- Access Analytics
- Continuous Governance
- Automate Identity lifecycle
- Manage all your identities
- Central point of Control
- Provisioning Workflows

Identity & Access
Access Mangement
By providing single sign-on and access control for all your resources, including extension passwordless authentication you can organisational elevate secure access to meet regulatory compliance with our Access Management solution Offerings.
- Policy enforcement and zero trust
- Customer expectations and CIAM
- Compliance and governance with PII
- Fine-Grained access controls
- Protecting data entry points
- Extending IAM to customers
- Adaptive Authentication

Identity & Access
Privileged Account Management
Through central management of elevated credentials using flexible, policy-based methods we can help organisations enforce least privilege access methodologies across the enterprise for all Privileged Accounts.
- Credential discovery and management
- Enforce least privilege
- Risk-aware analytics
- Monitor privileged sessions
- Advanced integration
- Continuously verify entitlements

Privacy PoPIA

Meniko helps organisations to facilitate compliance from a technical point of view by Discovering and Remediating sensitive data across all your structured and unstructured environments. The tooling deployed has the capability to interrogate and act upon any type of database with a JDBC connector.
During the Discover phase, we need to know where your data sits. Using state-of-the art software packages to scan your databases and file share services for Personal Information.
We find and identify sensitive data on both structured, such as MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, Mongo DB, Informix, and unstructured databases, such as file shares, SharePoint and Google Drive. Our products also make provision for machine learning and AI.
Should you want more information on this software product solution offering, please feel free to download the Micro Focus Voltage File Analysis and Voltage Structured Data Manager brochures below or contact us for more information.
Download voltage file analysis brochure
Download the structured data management brochure

The results from the Discovery phase are Analysed and combined with real-time analytics to optimise your structured and unstructured data. This includes the categorisation of data in manageable fields, as well as highlighting very sensitive and Redundant, Obsolete or Trivial (ROT) data.
Should you want more information on this software product solution offering, please feel free to download the Micro Focus brochures below or contact us for more information.
Download idol brochure
Download voltage file analysis suite brochure
Download the structured data management brochure

Now that you know where your sensitive data sits, and they have all been identified and categorised into manageable fields, it is time to Act. Your data can now be managed to ensure you have control over the privacy of your organisation’s information. Relevant information can then be logged on a Data Location Register (DLR) and you can start implementing rules.
The software will then automatically Tokenise, Mask, Archive or Dispose of the information, based on your organisation’s governance and policies. Having your information mapped properly also allows you to respond accurately and timeously to Subject Access Requests (SAR) when they occur.
Should you want more information on this software product solution offering, please feel free to download the Micro Focus brochures below or contact us for more information.